Improvisation is king

2013-01-12 Aus Von christiankohl

We enjoyed the sun in chc for three days and had a very nice new year’s eve dinner with another German couple staying in the same cottage. Next was Dunedin, as requested by the reisebegleitung. We detoured through Geraldine to have lunch at Cafe Verde again, managed to catch a sunny patch while visiting Moeraki and its beautiful beach with the strange boulders, and arrived at Billy Brown’s hostel early afternoon. Couldn’t get up the driveway though because the combination of steepness plus bend plus mud was beyond the capabilities of our 2WD rental car. Nevermind, I always enjoy a bit of exercise. 🙂 What a nice hostel! Definitely a 10 on the hitler scale, towels, views, birds, clean, cosy. Beautiful spot! We wanted to have dinner at the Lebanese cafe we’d enjoyed so much on our last visit to Dunedin, but alas there’s now a Thai restaurant in its place and it’s crap. Repeat: crap. Don’t eat at the Thai place called sth with „chilli“ as part of the name on George St.

Looking at the forecast next morning, we decided to skip Fiordland and drive straight to Queenstown. Well, only figuratively speaking of course since „straight“ is not an adjective that applies to too many kiwi roads. *g* Which brings me to the one thing the kiwis really really suck at – they just can’t drive. Which is a compliment in itself, if that is the only thing that sucks about a place, then good onion. Or good on yer? Who knows?