Where’s your birth certificate?
We are near the end of our vacation here in the US of A. Currently hanging out in the Admiral’s Club Lounge at Denver airport and waiting for our flight. We got a complimentary upgrade to business class, which is very nice of British Airways. Thank You! Now, the past two weeks were really great.…
Obesity. Somehow that’s the word that comes to my mind most frequently as we travel through Colorado and Utah. And I read somewhere that Colorado it’s supposed to be the «fittest» state … . Well, amazing. You really have to get up between five and six in the morning, otherwise the trails are no fun…
Bear wrestling galore
Today I’ve wrestled a black bear to the ground and cooked him out. It was tough but I was too strong for the beast in the end.the bear attacked us out of nowhere so the kill was in self defense, I hope I’m not getting into any trouble with the rangers. Yesterday I defeated three…
Urlaub! Holiday!
Yes. Finally. Colorado, here we come! Stay tuned for hot pics of sexy mountain lions, me wrestling grizzlies to the ground etc. etc. Maybe even surfing, harhar.
Herr Herzog, geh sterben
Ich interessiere mich ja nicht für Politik, weil ich lieber Bier trinke und Fußball gucke. Und an das ganze Demokratiemärchen glaube ich auch schon nicht mehr, seit ich 16 bin. Aber ich wusste schon damals, in den goldenen 90ern, dass der Herzog ein Wanker ist. Und wie immer hatte ich recht. Großartige Idee, einfach die…
Why Jack Bauer is a superhero
Having seen and experienced D.C. traffic firsthand now I really do believe that Jack Bauer is a superhero after all. Not even Optimus Prime could have covered the distances in the last season of 24 any faster. Other than that: Americans are strange creatures. 😉 But mostly harmless. ;-)) I was staying at „The W…