Boston again
Woke up too early but am going to be rewarded with a spectacular sunrise view from my hotel bed. Thank you Westin for the 14th floor east-facing room! Too bad I didn't bring my camera.
Well, I'm only going to be here for a few hours anyway, off to Vegas later today for the MarkLogic Conference, where I will be presenting tomorrow. So finger crossed that my cold is really on the way out. Would you please die, stupid cold? Thank you very much.
Have to wait another hour before Flour opens, so time for some blogging. Google really sucks at this, sometimes you can't log in because of "cookie" although they are turned on and I can't post any pictures lately into posts. So I'm probably going to take this elsewhere when I find the time. Hah, that was a good one.
Hawaii is coming up fast – 11 days to go until I can finally do some decent helicopter surfing. 😉
Cheers from the East Coast!