Wooster in the Snow
We returned to Berlin in the middle of last night after an uneventful train ride across Germany. From da westside to da eastside sozusagen. And we fell asleep almost immediately after getting back to our flat. When we woke up Monday morning, everything was white. Snow, in case you’re wondering, not cocaine, otherwise I wouldn’t be writing this, I would own the fucking Internet. So instead of a walk through coca fields we did what Wooster likes best – walking through heaps and heaps of snow in the Tiergarten. Btw, these are really the very rare moments when the Tiergarten is actually a nice place – snow makes it happen, covers up all the junk. Without snow, it’s just an ugly German dump. But I’m digressing … as a true direwolf Wooster likes snow and enjoys running amok. Hope you enjoy the pictures as well. Should you be wondering why he’s looking so wet in some of them – he tried the ice and fell into the lake. Very sweet, and real close to the shore luckily, so no harm done.