Operation Mountain Garlic

2015-08-08 Aus Von christiankohl

Today’s our last day on Mt Rainier, we’re heading back to Vancouver tomorrow. But what a beautiful day it is. Not a cloud in the sky, perfect mountain weather for a serious hike. ☺

Our lovely host made us some fresh juice before we took off, apples, carrots, lots of ginger, and lots of garlic. I feel so energized and hyperactive now, this is better than caffeine. Poor reisebegleitung.  😁 at least we don’t need to fear the bears, because I’m sure I will repell them from miles away. Harharhar.

Mt Rainier is nice, beautiful glacier views and waterfalls and forests and meadows all around. And if you walk for half an hour you get rid of most people as well. There’s some nice steep trails here, too. We’re based near Mossyrock, in a beautiful B&B in the middle of nowhere. Lovely people.