
2017-03-09 Aus Von christiankohl

What a great
great premium customer experience they have. They sent me two vouchers for upgrade to C. Fair enough. You can only
only use them at the check in counter, not anywhere else. Went to the counter. Guy doesn’t have the rights in their system because he’s too new. So why put him in charge of C passengers? Went to his colleague. Turns out, they’re all doing it for the first time, takes three of them 15 minutes to upgrade one flight. For the return flight the same day have to go to the counter at the destination. Glorious! I’ll simply throw it away, I think, total disaster, not worth it.

Turns out that the C seats are actually less comfortable than the rest. Less space, less width. Well done indeed. Unbelievable.

Apropos airberlin. The login in their app had been broken for months now, it stopped working sometime last year. Glorious. They’ve probably laid off all the IT staff already…

So sad to see evil Lufthansa taking over. Airberlin always had great staff, good service and now it’s going to become verbeamtet.