Luggage bonanza

2018-01-16 Aus Von christiankohl

Have safely arrived in Auckland last night. And guess what, now Singapore Airlines has managed lose our second bag as well. Wonderful. It never left ARN apparently. We were already suspicious when checking in Monday morning because the agent sent us to the oversize luggage counter. Although it’s a 50L backpack that still fits hand luggage requirements! But hey, as I’ve said before I’m looking very much forward to the day when robots finally replace humans.
So for the whole flight from Europe to Auckland the Reisebegleitung was gloating and rubbing it in that at least her bag wasn’t lost. We get to AKL shortly before midnight, stand next to the baggage carousel and here comes the announcement, paging our names…. 😁 we go to the counter, they tell us our bag is not coming and we both burst into laughter.
So another claim filed, more shopping to do today. We also got 300 nzd as emergency cash out immediately. The fun thing is the routing of the bags, which shows the utter incompetence and uselessness of both the ground staff (robots, please!) and the systems involved. First bag was left behind in Berlin. The next day, they fly it to Stockholm, then to Frankfurt, to Hongkong, and to Auckland. Although the target destination was known immediately these useless pieces of shit are not able to figure out a faster and more efficient routing. Pathetic. The second bag was left behind in Stockholm, flown to Frankfurt, Incheon, and to Auckland. But the online tracking systems shows the routing Stockholm – London – Hongkong – Auckland, with physically impossible flights times, unless they’ve decided to resurrect the Concorde for this special event…
Well, whatever. What a glorious day when skynet finally takes over. ☺ 😁 😘

After a good night’s rest at the Novotel Auckland Airport we’re now off to Queenstown, it’s amazing how relaxing flights can be. Flying domestic in NZ is like time travel, no security, no liquids bullshit, no worries.

Coming up next, the long distance flight experience, Russian passport check fetishism, growing wings, and abominable Swiss passengers shouting at little babies.

What a sight to wake up to in the morning: