I have to correct something I posted yesterday: While „wh“ is usually pronounced „f“ in NZ this is not the case for Whanganui. Here, the local Maori dialect is a bit different, hence Whanganui is pronounced with an aspirated ‚wh‘. Enjoy.
Wanganui itself is a small city, well worth spending a day or two in. Tonight I’ll walk up to Virginia Lake which is supposed to be quite nice when illuminated after dark. Tomorrow I’ll pretend to be interested in local culture and tour up the lower end of the river before I’m off to Wellington on Friday.
Since I’m travelling alone things have become a bit more expensive and complicated and I’ll probably have to resort to renting a car more often. Nevermind. To serve and protect.
What bothers me about Wanganui is all the churches and Christian bullshit around town (I never said I was tolerant). Sort of disgusting, I fucking hate them religious people. On the other hand, good to see that they have such a presence in so small a town. That at least diverts their energies from showing up in all the other nice places. Wanganui city is of historical importance to NZ as well and has recently been the site where „River Queen“ was filmed, but you can read all of this up on the Internet. Meow and thanks for all the fish.
Hi Mister Kiwi!
Mein Neid ist dir immer noch auf den Fersen, wo du gehst und stehst, ist dir das schon aufgefallen? Ich hoffe, du hast eine tolle Zeit „down under“ (ist Neuseeland auch „down under“?) und bist nicht halb so destruktiv und gefrustet wie der Blog vermuten lässt. Kopf hoch, du hast Urlaub und bist in einem der schönsten Länder dieser Welt unterwegs, das viele von uns armen Würstchen wahrscheinlich nie sehen werden.
Ich wünsche also recht viele angenehme Momente mit Liv Tyler und dass du dich der Annäherungsversuche von Aragorn – der ja nun schwul ist – erwehren kannst. Außerdem: Remember the old commitments here in Berlin!
Tanti saluti, Madame C.
yo, das ist schon gut hier. ein bisschen jammern muss man immer, oder? ich muss ganz dringend essen (voellig ueberraschend, eh?). morgen wellington, eine meiner lieblingsstaedte. viele gruesse nach berlin, christian