Sheep fucking – no way
Today I married a parrot. Unfortunately I can’t upload the pictures right now, but believe me, we were quite intimate. I went to Kapiti Island, which is a nature reserve, i.e. enjoys the highest level of environmental protection. They began to clear the island from mammals and other European animals and plants 100 years ago and have exterminated the last possum in 1986 and the last rat in 1996. So the island has been mammal-free for 10 years now and is a sanctuary for birds, especially all those flightless birds that are nearly extinct. They only let 50 people per day visit the island, so it’s not that easy to get a permit, but the few emails and phone calls were absolutely worth it. Stunning. You won’t find anything like this anywhere else in the world. Look up their website for more info.
Last night I went on a night tour through Karori Reserve, which is a nature reserve for native flora and fauna right in the centre of Wellington. They have built a 9km predator-proof fence around it (just like we Germans once did, hehe) to keep the mammals out. Now the valley is regenerating, the goal is to restore it to it’s original condition which will of course take a while. You can walk there on your own by day, which is definitely recommendable, but for the real show book a night tour. They start around sunset and take two hours, group size is 10 people max, you get a knowledgeable guide and if you’re lucky, you might even spot kiwis. We didn’t, but the walk itself was very fascinating, through the bush, the only light coming from the billions of glowworms to our left and right.
There’s probably more to tell, but now I gotta grab some food, I’m dying, and I also gotta check my clothes – believe it or not, I washed ‚em today. 🙂 Love, peace, and harmony. The trick question is: Do I get NZ residency if I marry a parrot instead of a sheep? Qualified answers welcome.
Hi Mister Cabbage,
wie Herr Anders habe auch ich all dem nichts entgegenzusetzen. Ich bekämpfe eine Berliner Erkältung und war am Samstag beim Basketball-Spiel von Alba – super! Da werde ich in Zukunft öfter mal hinpilgern. Viel Spaß weiterhin mit den Papageien und mit Aragorn.
Grün vor Neid, Frau H.
Oi, that sounds fine to me. Zu Alba komme ich auch gerne mit. Mit Aragorn habe ich keinen Spass, du sollst doch nicht immer deine Wuensche auf andere projezieren, tststs. Ich bin grade in Blenheim und warte, bis die Mittagssonne etwas abschwaecht, dann werde ich mal durch die Gaerten walken. Gute Besserung, Christian