Kategorie: Travel

Good Onion!

Ok, das ist nun mehr ein Insider und der einzige, der weiss, was gemeint ist, liest das hier nicht. Nevermind. Just listen too some Aussies and you might just know what I mean. Today I went hiking in the Kahurangi National Park, I walked up Mount Arthur and the Lodestone Track, which has pretty hardcore…

Von christiankohl 2007-01-19 Aus

I guess I don’t know my name

Kapiti Island, reprise: Should you ever be in the Wellington region, get a permit (from the Wellington DOC office) and go there, it was one of the best places I visited so far, on one level with Kakadu National Park in Oz and the Coromandel perhaps. There are two different areas to visit, you need…

Von christiankohl 2007-01-16 Aus

Sheep fucking – no way

Today I married a parrot. Unfortunately I can’t upload the pictures right now, but believe me, we were quite intimate. I went to Kapiti Island, which is a nature reserve, i.e. enjoys the highest level of environmental protection. They began to clear the island from mammals and other European animals and plants 100 years ago…

Von christiankohl 2007-01-15 Aus

Room with a view

Oi. Ich bin nun im wahrscheinlich besten Hostel, in dem ich je war, gelandet. Plimmerton Beach, Moana Lodge. Zimmer mit Ozeanblick vom Bett aus. Killer. Romantik pur. Ich und meine Fleecejacke. Werder forever. Hier stimmt von a-z einfach alles und Wellington liegt auch quasi vor der Haustuer. Apropos Wellington: Heute mal wieder einige Stunden im hervorragenden Te…

Von christiankohl 2007-01-13 Aus


This will be of interest to climatologists as well as tourism managers. Let P(Aw) be the likelihood of rainfall in a given area A. Let further be R the average amount of rainfall in A and let v be the standard devation to R. So far, so good, no worries. I have now discovered a…

Von christiankohl 2007-01-11 Aus


Yesterday I went on a trip up the Whanganui River Road which was really interesting. Should you ever be in Wanganui I recommend staying at Tamara Backpackers (24 Somme Pd), Roy also runs Whanganui River Road Tours. The hostel itself is a nice place, quiet, friendly, clean (though they could do with more wash basins…

Von christiankohl 2007-01-11 Aus


I have to correct something I posted yesterday: While „wh“ is usually pronounced „f“ in NZ this is not the case for Whanganui. Here, the local Maori dialect is a bit different, hence Whanganui is pronounced with an aspirated ‚wh‘. Enjoy. Wanganui itself is a small city, well worth spending a day or two in.…

Von christiankohl 2007-01-10 Aus