Autor: christiankohl

Dass deine Mutter ein Nilpferd ist, macht dich noch lange nicht zum Ägypter!

Winterwandern im Oberengadin

Oberengadin. Celerina. Back again. Same place, same hotel (Hotelino Petit Chalet), because why change if things are perfect?! Again, a super relaxed and punctual travel … Swiss from BER to ZRH, then via SBB and RhB to Celerina. Everything just works, even my luggage arrived relatively quickly and undamaged. Got settled into my room and…

Von christiankohl 2024-12-12 Aus

Spenden gegen Hass und Dummheit

It’s always during December when I review my finances and decide how much to donate to whom. I’ve done a lot of research over the years / decades to find projects that I consider relevant and impactful. And that meet my other criteria, like not being esoteric dickheads, wasting money on excessive bureaucracy, lacking transparency,…

Von christiankohl 2024-12-12 Aus

Beautiful foggy day

Der letzte Tag meines Kurztrips ins Oberengadin war eher „so-so“ vom Wetter her. Viel Niederschlag und teils ordentlich Wind und Nebel war angekündigt, also war klar, dass ich eher unten im Tal bleiben würde, weil sonst wenig Spaß und potenziell gefährlich auch. Zum Glück gibt es auch im „Flachland“ ausreichend Wanderwege, die bei nicht so…

Von christiankohl 2024-09-26 Aus

Frogs! Frogs! Frogs!

Hard to top yesterday’s hike, that combination of mental and physical exercise and breathtaking views is very rare. But the hike from Pontresina via Fuorcla Surlej to Murtél didn’t disappoint! Fortunately the snow had receded a bit so the pass was mostly clear, super easy to walk and navigate. The first stretch from Pontresina station…

Von christiankohl 2024-09-25 Aus

Eye of the Beholder

This was likely the best dayhike I’ve ever done! No kidding. Also serves as a perfect example how conditions can modify difficulty ratings. This route is classified as T2 (Swiss / SAC Classification). So relatively easy-peasy. (Note that this refers to technical difficulty, not to endurance or other factors. A T2 route can be extremely…

Von christiankohl 2024-09-24 Aus

Switzerland, back again

Ich konnte das August Desaster nicht auf mir sitzen lassen und musste dringend noch meine Entzugserscheinungen von den Bergen bekämpfen. Was tun? Spontan Ende September ne Woche Urlaub nehmen! Drei stornierbare Flüge zu verschiedenen Destinationen buchen (Bozen, Zürich, Madrid) und dann anderthalb Tage vorher gucken, wo das Wetter stabil ist. Dann Zug und Hotel buchen.…

Von christiankohl 2024-09-23 Aus

Disaster strikes again

Another wasted vacation. Too bad. At least the Swiss economy is happy. 🙂 The plan was to hike the Tour du Cervin, from St. Niklaus to Zermatt over a couple of days. Unfortunately, we had to abandon the trip after the first day. Two out three participants had technical issues leading to knee problems ……

Von christiankohl 2024-09-05 Aus

Et tu, la Suisse?

I hate backstabbing. Especially when it comes out of the blue. I’ve often praised Switzerland that while it’s super expensive, you always get great quality or service and it’s worth it. Turns out that’s no longer true. It all started as expected – our flight to ZRH was 25mins delayed out of Berlin. Business as…

Von christiankohl 2024-08-25 Aus

Ladybug, saved

Saw a ladybug about to drown in one of our flower boxes. Quick security council session, intervention discussed, action taken, life saved. It’s so easy! 😊 Fly little Marienkäfer! 🐞

Von christiankohl 2024-08-06 Aus

Destroy what destroys you

Ich vermisse tatsächlich vor allem die Anarchie und Zerstörungskraft unseres kleinen felligen Froindes. Wenn jeder Haushalt in D einen Wooster hätte, wäre die Welt besser. Und Baumarkt-Aktien die beste Geldanlage der Welt.

Von christiankohl 2024-07-04 Aus