Kategorie: Travel

Sulphur Hotties

This is really the first year where we don’t have any itinerary at all, we just look at the weather forecast and then decide on the next two days or so. Of course this has the potential to turn into a classical TSP scenario, so lucky us that we’re atheists and have the brains to…

Von christiankohl 2014-02-07 Aus

Dutch treat

We had another one day and a half after Geraldine before our flight to AKL on Sunday (I triple checked the time *g*) and decided to give the region North of CHC a chance, especially since it’s not featured in any guidebook or anything. And what a great choice that was. Again we had hit…

Von christiankohl 2014-02-07 Aus

Masturbating eco sluts

Well, so we were walking down Mt John through a forest consisting mainly of fir trees. I think,  at least the branches had needles.  🙂  when, all of a sudden we stumbled upon two girls softly and rhythmically stroking such a fir branch. I tell you, this looked really bizarre and crazy, and the first…

Von christiankohl 2014-02-04 Aus

Masturbating German Christians

What a disgusting title, right? But first things first. We made it to NZ after all. When I wrote that nothing could stop us now in my last post I kinda forgot to add ‚except my own stupidity’….. . Ever missed a flight because you misread the boarding pass? How stupid is that? :O well,…

Von christiankohl 2014-01-31 Aus

Off to warmer shores!

Five hours ‚till take-off. Backpack’s ready, boarding pass is printed, kindle is loaded, nothing can stop us now. 🙂Our timing proved to be excellent now that real winter finally hits Berlin we’re getting our sweet arses out of the cold and into the sun. Doha-Melbourne-Christchurch, and then off into the mountains for some leg stretching.…

Von christiankohl 2014-01-25 Aus

Hawaii, a résumé. part III (fin)

Last stop: Kauai. Took me a while to wrap this up since, funny enough, I can no longer use blogger in chrome. Embarassing that google is unable to make their own browser run their own blogging platform. Time to move to a different service I guess. Google has started to suck anyway, after enduring a…

Von christiankohl 2013-07-07 Aus

Hawai’i, a rĂ©sumĂ©, part II

Maui. Yeah. After the big disappointment of Big Island, I didn’t really have high hopes for Maui. But it actually turned out to be a little bit better than the Big Island. A lot of the same problems apply though: Most of the nice beaches are ruined, the US has raped the land and built…

Von christiankohl 2013-05-24 Aus

Ich war in Hawaii dabei!

Ach ja – Hr. Kohl ist wieder so generös mit den 4-Buchstaben-Wörtern.So richtig furchtbar war es meistens nicht – irgendein SchĂ€tzchen hat sich meist gefunden.Treefrogs sind klitzeklein und ĂŒbel laut – aber eigentlich angenehmes HintergrundgerĂ€usch. Berlin kann das schlimmer!Vom 4WD hĂ€ngt nicht der Erfolg des Urlaubs ab, aber es ist einfach geil, einen zu haben.…

Von christiankohl 2013-05-21 Aus

Hawai’i, a rĂ©sumĂ©

Well, well, well. Looking back with a couple of days distance I must say that Hawai’i was underwhelming. It was nice, no doubt about that, bur I certainly won’t be going there again and I think there are better places with less hassle and rules and regulations in the world. But anyway, let’s try to…

Von christiankohl 2013-05-19 Aus

Finally, some fun

kauaipoipupoHinterher ist man immer schlauer. If I had known what I know now I would have limited our stay on Big Island to four days and spent more time on Kauai. This is much more „hawaiish“, much more to my liking. Gazillions of hiking trails and they are not closed because of „American Angst“ or…

Von christiankohl 2013-05-05 Aus