Autor: christiankohl

Dass deine Mutter ein Nilpferd ist, macht dich noch lange nicht zum Ägypter!

02 Praia da Luz – Salema Beach

Another short leg stretcher, another picture perfect day full of fantastic coastal views. It’s really a constant wow experience. Fucking amazing. Salema beach is just a couple of houses and some eateries / bars. Unfortunately, all the candidates for decent vegetarian or vegan food were closed, so we ate at one of the few open…

Von christiankohl 2023-11-21 Aus

Rota Vicentina, Trilho dos Pescadores

Rota Vicentina is a long distance hiking trail in southern Portugal. There’s a couple of variations to it, the main two options are the ‚historical way‘ (Camino Histórico) and the ‚Fishermen’s Trail‘ (Trilho dos Pescadores). They have a website and a locally produced and sold guidebook (print and online), I recommend both as they are…

Von christiankohl 2023-11-21 Aus

Qu’un sang impur abbreuve nos sillons

France 2023 – Pâtisserie Rugby World Cup. Had been looking forward to this for four years! As we all know, pleasure is usually only achieved through hard work. So I decided to sacrifice myself and tested each and every pâtisserie in Paris and Lyon to ensure ongoing excellence etc. blahvlah bullshit bingo. Who cares? There’s…

Von christiankohl 2023-10-13 Aus

Face palm, DHL

Kurzes Update zum letzten Post: Natürlich kam die Sendung nicht, wie vereinbar, am Freitag zwischen 12-16 Uhr. Stattdessen ohne weitere Kommunikation und Ankündigung dann irgendwann am Samstag. Purer Zufall, dass wir zu Hause waren. Bei einer anderen Sendung habe ich herausgefunden, dass DHL auch Zeitreisen kann, hätten also ohne Probleme einfach den Fluxkompensator anwerfen und…

Von christiankohl 2023-09-06 Aus

Kurzer Zwischenruf

Servicewüste Doitschland? Kann ich bestätigen. Latest and greatest example: DHL. Ich habe was in NZ bestellt. Wird hier vor Ort mit DHL Express, also dem teuren Premiumservice, geliefert. Oder halt auch nicht. Krieg ich eine sehr dubiose SMS: Wollte die erst löschen, aber das „NZ“ am Ende der Sendungsnummer und die Tatsache, dass ich wusste,…

Von christiankohl 2023-09-01 Aus

Rucksack orgasm

Saturday morning started with a shock. I was up early to capture Mt Ruapehu in sunrise and was attacked by one of NZ’s most dangerous animals on our terrace: This is a carnivorous snail and it can catch and devour its prey in seconds – don’t let the harmless appearance fool you! Sunrise was nice…

Von christiankohl 2023-05-01 Aus

Ohakune, we love you

Decision time, again. Too many decision times on this vacation for my taste, but what can you do? At least I’m good at making decisions. My body is fat and untrained and ugly and white, I don’t have any tattoos or piercings, I don’t know how to shoot a gun, I’ve never beaten a woman,…

Von christiankohl 2023-05-01 Aus

And Taranaki sunset def rule ok

The only good thing about „weather events“ like this storm is that there’s a good chance of dramatic sunsets, and the Taranaki coast is of course just the right spot for watching it. So I tore myself away from the horrible news and we went off to enjoy 45 minutes of the best nature has…

Von christiankohl 2023-05-01 Aus

Taranaki still rules

The next day (Wednesday), the images on TV were getting worse. I won’t repeat it again, but large scale destruction of vast swathes of land, especially on the East Coast. Prepared, aided, and abetted by Big Ag and Forestry. Unfuckingbelievable. Taranaki got off pretty light, there were local power outages due to storm damage, but…

Von christiankohl 2023-04-30 Aus