Kategorie: Uncategorized

Switzerland, back again

Ich konnte das August Desaster nicht auf mir sitzen lassen und musste dringend noch meine Entzugserscheinungen von den Bergen bekämpfen. Was tun? Spontan Ende September ne Woche Urlaub nehmen! Drei stornierbare Flüge zu verschiedenen Destinationen buchen (Bozen, Zürich, Madrid) und dann anderthalb Tage vorher gucken, wo das Wetter stabil ist. Dann Zug und Hotel buchen.…

Von christiankohl 2024-09-23 Aus

Morning New Disease

Sometimes, it’s easier to find a quote than trying to describe things with your own words … . So, fucking Sars-Cov-2 finally caught up with me, despite all precautions. Fuck you, government, for not protecting me sufficiently. Anyway, I had all three shots, am relatively fit and healthy, and it still hit me like a…

Von christiankohl 2022-03-01 Aus

Lick my buttthole

I’m really a very creative guy and being in Australia brings out the best in me. Dunno why, but that’s just the way it is. And my creativity has always been oppressed, first by my parents, now by the Reisebegleitung. But I will not give up! Never. So, I’ve had this brilliant idea and will…

Von christiankohl 2019-03-02 Aus

Important motherfuckers

You know how you can tell that someone is really important? They have phone conversations in the Lufthansa lounge and share the contents with all of their peers. Since their peers are doing the same, this almost ensures a degree of Babylonian confidentiality. 😁 It’s only the Germans doing this, of course. Embarrassing. Waiting for…

Von christiankohl 2019-02-20 Aus

No more comments!

I’ve turned off comments for obvious reasons … dunno what Google does with the login data and so I’d rather deactivate that then go through all the bullshit required after May 25. This is a private blog, no advertising, no Google Analytics or anything. I don’t want your data, go away please.

Von christiankohl 2018-05-21 Aus

Fascism on the rise, again

That’s nothing new, it is, after all, an inevitable consequence of capitalism. But not necessarily one we need to support. So we’ve canceled our USA vacation this summer, we’ll be roaming through the home country with Wooster instead. A lot cheaper, too. But it is certainly fascinating how all these useless people are destroying the…

Von christiankohl 2017-03-09 Aus

Menschliche Abgründe

I just found out, after all these years, that the Reisebegleitung favors Sylvester, not Tweety. What the fuck? The bloody cat? Das ist ein charakterlichischer Abgrund. Ich weiß noch nicht, wie ich damit umgehen werde. Und was Kylie dazu sagt?

Von christiankohl 2017-01-18 Aus


It’s telling how I keep losing interest in football over the years. I guess I’m also not the target audience any more, which seems to be middle class families willing to spend thousands of euros each year. To keep the coffers of the greedy bastards filled. I’m also unwilling to give up my personal freedom…

Von christiankohl 2017-01-14 Aus

Age of Ultron

The best thing about this movie: I can write about before having seen it. Commercials are about to start, but I already know that this is the greatest movie ever! Ever! The greatest. I’m sooooooo excited. I love it already. I love the world.

Von christiankohl 2015-04-23 Aus