Back in Paradise
The whole concept of Islamic suicide attacks has always been a mystery to me. Why would you need 72 virgins? Just imagine, 72 women constantly around you, I bet you’d wish for your suicide vest rather sooner than later. Anyway, it’s all useless rubbish, because you don’t need to commit suicide by killing kaffirs, all…
Praise to Berrylands
I’ve eaten so much ice-cream over the past few days, I’m completely brain washed. I want to stay there, please keep me as your pet, all I need is my daily dose of ice cream! Please!
There’s no such thing as too much ice-cream
Right. Nuff said. Especially real fruit ice-cream. Something that is unfortunately (or luckily?) only found in NZ. Best in the world. I must have tons of it. Each day, every day. All day long. Can’t stop, won’t stop. Found a place called Berryland just outside Nelson on SH60 towards Motueka. Wonderful. And they had tons…
So what about Nelson Lakes National Park?
You might wonder, what the fuck are they doing in the Abel Tasman? We’ve been trying hard to secure a date with Nelson Lakes National Park, especially with the Angelus Hut, but the forecast for the last ten days was mainly shit. So we kinda circled the park, but whenever we checked, the weather in…
Splendid isolation
So hieß ja mal eine eher weniger glückliche Politik unserer Nachbarn von der Insel. Aber man kann das auch positiv verstehen. After making the Reisebegleitung extremely happy by driving to Ohau point where she could watch baby seals play around, we set out on a two day hike across private land south of Kaikoura, the…
Whale watching
We spent the first two days after landing at Waipu Cove, lovely beaches! We headed further north and stayed in a bay close to Russell next, had lots of fun sailing the bay of islands on a small racing boat, excellent lunch included. Thank you very much, oh crew of the „Phantom“. ☺ On the…
Globalization sucks, right?
I mean, this is crazy. I’m of course happy for my homies from g-town that they’re selling internationally but seriously, anybody buying water for this price? Crazy motherfuckers. @Kerikeri new world supermarket.