Dear reader, I don’t know whether you remember my post from a few years back, when we encountered the tree masturbating hippie women? Anyway, we’ve had an even more interesting encounter two days ago while hiking in the beautiful Puketi forest. We came to a huge clearing and there was a herd of bulls and…
Headed for the ocean
Today, we’ll have a full day of sailing ahead of us. Small boat, no crowds, get away from the Bay of Islands hordes. ☺ Wrestling with sea snakes, sharks, and giant octopus 🐙. The weather is still extremely brilliant, nothing to complain about, even for Germans. I’m still enchanted by the flight experience we had…
Perfection is what I always strive to achieve. Of course. Naturally. So far, it’s pretty close to it. I may have found the nearly ideal flight times etc to nz. I cannot recall ever having stepped off a 24+ hour flight(s) feeling so relaxed. Easy. The warm and sunny Auckland weather with a light breeze…
Gorgeous Gorge
We decided to spend our last couple of days on Waihi beach and stayed at a brilliant bed and breakfast aptly named Beachfront Bed and Breakfast. Great place, lovely hosts, perfect location. Probably the best stay of this holiday. So I spent some more time playing with Harald, walking and running on the beach, soaking…
A dark wind is blowing from the east
When we driving down the scenic road to Raglan I nearly crashed the car because I was co-performing another Kreator song that had found its way on the playlist. Why is it that so many metal songs contain a line like ‚a dark wind is blowing from the east‘? Are they all eastophobic? Is that…
77 heißt ‚Grüß Gott‘ …
We were driving from Napier to Stratford, Taranaki a couple of days ago and that was somewhat frightening. First of all, I saw this billboard on the side of the road for „SS showers“. That would be a complicated sell in Germany. Next was a billboard for „SS homes“. So I was starting to worry…
Mozzie festival @ Lake Rotorua
One more pic, than I’m out for today. A nice little mozzie festival on Lake Rotorua. Breath through your nose!
Eco Hippies from Outer Space
After three fantastic days in Whakatane I feel pretty safe to declare that this is probably really my favorite spot in NZ, Ohope Beach to be precise. 11 perfect, glamourous, lovely, charming, inviting, … kilometres of sandy empty beach with great surf. What more could one wish for? Well, maybe heaps of great produce from…
Sunshine on a rainy day
Our plan for spending the rainy day was extremely successful. Soak and swim for a couple of hours in the hot springs, spend the rest running on the beach, swimming in the ocean and eating heaps of real fruit ice-cream, muffins, and fresh berries at both the lovely Blueberry Corner and the even more lovely…