Hawai’i, a résumé, part II
Maui. Yeah. After the big disappointment of Big Island, I didn’t really have high hopes for Maui. But it actually turned out to be a little bit better than the Big Island. A lot of the same problems apply though: Most of the nice beaches are ruined, the US has raped the land and built…
Ich war in Hawaii dabei!
Ach ja – Hr. Kohl ist wieder so generös mit den 4-Buchstaben-Wörtern.So richtig furchtbar war es meistens nicht – irgendein Schätzchen hat sich meist gefunden.Treefrogs sind klitzeklein und übel laut – aber eigentlich angenehmes Hintergrundgeräusch. Berlin kann das schlimmer!Vom 4WD hängt nicht der Erfolg des Urlaubs ab, aber es ist einfach geil, einen zu haben.…
Hawai’i, a résumé
Well, well, well. Looking back with a couple of days distance I must say that Hawai’i was underwhelming. It was nice, no doubt about that, bur I certainly won’t be going there again and I think there are better places with less hassle and rules and regulations in the world. But anyway, let’s try to…
Finally, some fun
kauaipoipupoHinterher ist man immer schlauer. If I had known what I know now I would have limited our stay on Big Island to four days and spent more time on Kauai. This is much more „hawaiish“, much more to my liking. Gazillions of hiking trails and they are not closed because of „American Angst“ or…
‚Nam and back
When I fought in Vietnam in the seventies, I really believed in freedom, democracy, and most importantly, our Nation. These days, looking at what our Great Nation has become makes me sad and angry. Lawyers, lawyers, lawyers everywhere, rules and regulations, taking away my freedom. Makes me really angry. Hulk angry. Hulk Smash! Harhar. Well.…
I’m so bored with the USA
Can you believe it? After one week on Hawaii I have to say: it sucks. The weather is great, the landscape is beautiful in most parts, the fruits taste great, so why am I so pissed off? Well, it’s even worse than Germany, everything is totally overregulated, everything is verboten, verboten, verboten because these sick…
Well, what can I say. This certainly is as much a sociological study as a vacation. We flew into Hilo on Saturday. Beautiful approach by plane. Baggage was there immediately and we went straight to the rental car counter across the street. If only all airports were so fast and relaxed. 🙂 I had booked…
Hawaii, here we come
Had a good night’s rest in L.A., a very nice breakfast at the Daily Grill, very good service. 🙂Now off to the airport again, two more flights and then we’re in Hilo. Can’t wait.
Leaving Las Vegas
I’m about to check out of my hotel and leave one of the strangest (and sickest) places I’ve ever been to. Crazy. Can’t say I’m sad to leave. Just the opposite. Vegas kinda confirms all the negative stereotypes a European has with regards to the US. And yes, I’m certainly the wrong person for this…
Boston again
Woke up too early but am going to be rewarded with a spectacular sunrise view from my hotel bed. Thank you Westin for the 14th floor east-facing room! Too bad I didn't bring my camera. Well, I'm only going to be here for a few hours anyway, off to Vegas later today for the MarkLogic…