Kategorie: Travel


What a wonderful place! 🙂We will definitely have to come back for a longer vacation, so consider this a fist first scouting mission. A very successful one. My friend Claus and me went for 5 days, from Thursday to Tuesday the first week of September. Apologies for posting this late, but Frankfurt Book Fair and…

Von christiankohl 2019-11-09 Aus

Hate is just a four letter word

I’m writing about Manchester actually. Quite a nice little town I must say. So no hate at all really.We went there last weekend to see Ned’s Atomic Dustbin (and Pop Will Eat Itself) perform at the Ritz, to see an old friend, and to do some sightseeing. Like a last chance to see before the…

Von christiankohl 2019-04-18 Aus

New Zealand

No, this is not about vacation. It’s about the terrible terrorist act in Christchurch and its consequences. A couple of remarkable things: 1. Jacinda Ardern’s reaction, the empathy she has showed. Great leadership, great inspiration. Almost all other world leaders should learn from this. But never will unfortunately. Just looking at our AKK here in…

Von christiankohl 2019-03-20 Aus

Australia 2019, more piggely pictures

In order: Warren River Scones at the Holy Smoke Cafe, Pemberton Breakfast for Champions with the most delicious Strawberries, therefore with a capital S, from vagina-flashing Handasydes 28s attack on our balcony at Rainbow Trail Chalet #4 Crystal Meth Pukeko (or whatever they’re called in Oz) Some coastline, some beaches, eh? Spider alarm! Skink Emus…

Von christiankohl 2019-03-16 Aus

Australia 2019, some piggely pictures

In order: Climbing the Gloucester and Dave Evans Bicentennial trees Pancake at Lavender and Berry Farm. Pemberton A brilliant example of Aussie culture 😀 Thai dinner in Busselton Climbing at Wilyabrup Cliff Korean lunch in MR Simmos Ice Cream „The Windows“ at Pt D’Entrecasteaux

Von christiankohl 2019-03-16 Aus

Australia 2019, part VII

Everybody knows I love birds, especially parrots. So Pemberton especially was quite the paradise for me. Plus cute roos and emus for the Reisebegleitung, what more could you wish for? Well, maybe an obligatory trip to a lighthouse, cuz that’s her other fetish. So we drove down to Pt. D’Entrecasteaux, which no Aussie can pronounce…

Von christiankohl 2019-03-16 Aus

Australia 2019, part VI

There was one good thing about the Rangers House – the grill. Fantastic! The bed on the other hand really sucked. After two nights on this mattress I’d have paid a fortune for a real bed. Otherwise, we only tested the bakery just outside Nornalup, the Tingles Bakehouse, and found good coffee, nice cakes, and…

Von christiankohl 2019-03-15 Aus

Australia 2019, part V

It’s way easier to write this on the phone. So I’ll write first and post pictures later, like in ten years. 😁 Was bekommt man, wenn ein Emu Sex mit einem Krokodil hat? Einen Emulgator! 🤣 🤣 🤣 I had totally underestimated the first weekend of March. It’s a long weekend, yes, but I had…

Von christiankohl 2019-03-14 Aus