Fuck off, 2019

It’s been a while, I admit that. But so much nothing has happened in between. We just had the first snow, at least for 15 minutes. All gone now again. But who cares anyway.Crazy shit. Shit. Crazy. Shit. I like the word „shit“. Fuck yeah, I like it. This is becoming way too stream of…

Von christiankohl 2019-01-03 Aus

Berlin beaches …

Well, sometimes life is full of surprises. We were hiking around the Berlin „SpeckgĂŒrtel“ the other weekend and stumbled upon the beautiful „Habermannsee“. What a nice place!I think I’m going to write to Lonely Planet so they can put it in their guidebook and next year hordes of people can „discover“ this new party place…

Von christiankohl 2018-10-08 Aus

Life, the Universe & Everything, again

Well. So. 7 games played into the new season. We all know how it’s gonna end of course. Evil will always prevail. And we will enter a losing streak soon enough. But for the moment, we can sit back and enjoy the best start in years. And a rejuvenated Pizarro of course. 🙂 I like…

Von christiankohl 2018-10-07 Aus

I understand that time is running out

Let’s make not the same mistakes folks did back in the 30s … . Don’t put up false hopes, things are not going to get better, they will only get worse. And the majority of Germans has a racist, fascist, and violent past, they were raised that way, and they will act that way. Don’t…

Von christiankohl 2018-09-25 Aus

1, 2, Pegizei

NatĂŒrlich ist es nett, dass es dieses Konzert in Schemnitz gibt usw. Und mir tun die wenigen netten Menschen dort auch sehr leid. Aber wir sollten realistisch bleiben. Das Ding ist durch in D-Land, die Nazis haben mal wieder gewonnen, Schemnitz ist da nur ein besonders hĂ€sslicher eitriger Pickel auf einem ohnehin schon schwer infizierten…

Von christiankohl 2018-08-30 Aus

Generationenvertrag, up your arse

Momentan gibt es ja wieder einmal Diskussionen darĂŒber, wie die Rentenkasse noch ein wenig aufgefĂŒllt werden kann. Am besten natĂŒrlich dadurch, dass SelbstĂ€ndige zur Zahlung gezwungen werden, denn die sind keine signifikante WĂ€hlergruppe und haben keine Lobby.Aber bleiben wir mal sachlich: Die staatliche Rente hat viele Jahrzehnte gut funktioniert, weil wir mehr oder weniger Wirtschaftswachstum…

Von christiankohl 2018-08-12 Aus

We came here to rock

I recently discovered that I’ve not made near enough ‚positive‘ lists in the last couple of years. So time to take up this nice tradition again. Plus I’m spending too much time on the move and thus have far too much time to think about shit. â˜ș So, let’s start with a difficult easy one.…

Von christiankohl 2018-08-08 Aus


I think I posted some nice photos from picturesque Leiden, a few k south of Amsterdam, a while ago. Here’s some more, I’m very happy that I get to go there at least a few times more. They have arses with eyes, super cute rat lamps and the lovely Boutique Hotel Huys van Leyden is…

Von christiankohl 2018-08-02 Aus

No more comments!

I’ve turned off comments for obvious reasons … dunno what Google does with the login data and so I’d rather deactivate that then go through all the bullshit required after May 25. This is a private blog, no advertising, no Google Analytics or anything. I don’t want your data, go away please.

Von christiankohl 2018-05-21 Aus

Easter Bunnys

Easter happened quite early this year. And we’d made the decision to go visit the good old British Empire for one last time, before they depart from this world and move to their own fantasy reality. 😀 So, off to London on Friday, and of course it was raining. More or less all the time.…

Von christiankohl 2018-04-17 Aus