La Gomera Food

Well, who gives a shit about continuity anyway? Might as well start with the most important thing – food. 🙂 Short summary: Very good. Long form: While I always appreciate local cuisine, it can be hard to find delicious stuff for vegetarians in some places. If you like dead animals, especially fish, then no worries.…

Von christiankohl 2021-12-15 Aus

Rheinsberg 09/2021

In the meantime, catching up on some old stuff. Some nice pics from our weekend trip to Rheinsberg in September 2021. Lots of mushrooms. Great ice cream, apparently some guy has „invented“ real fruit ice cream here as well now. Well, one man’s invention is another man’s copy … but I won’t complain as long…

Von christiankohl 2021-12-10 Aus

No shit, I finally did it

Yeah, I’ve now eliminated the last piece of G**gle from my life. Moved this good old blog from Blo**ot to my own webspace. Which turned out to be much easier than I’d feared. WordPress has a built-in importer for Blo**ot, worked like a charm. I think. Frankly, I’m not going to go look at all…

Von christiankohl 2021-12-10 Aus

La Gomera November 2021

 Codename: Gran Culo con Agulo. 151,22km, 6820m ascent, 7090 descent. (Not counting the countless times we walked from Parador de la Gomera down to the city centre and back 😀 .) Mostly around 20 degrees, sunny with a few clouds, perfect weather for hiking. Warm nights near sea level, more chilly up in the mountains.…

Von christiankohl 2021-11-28 Aus

Maybe it’s not coming home, after all?

 While the British government has recently announced that they will delay further easing of Covid-19 related restrictions because the delta-variant that‘ spreading rapidly, UEFA still lives on a different planet. They are now blackmailing the English gov’t to make special allowances for ca. 2500 VIP guests for the semifinal and final in Wembley, to exempt…

Von christiankohl 2021-06-18 Aus

It’s coming home, it’s coming home …

… Covid’s coming home. That should be the anthem of this year’s European Championship tournament. There is no pandemic. At least not when it comes to soccer. Well, that is what our minister of the interior, Heinrich Himmler, sorry, Horst Seehofer, has announced yesterday. For the upcoming European Championships, all quarantine requirements etc. are waived. And…

Von christiankohl 2021-06-09 Aus

Beauty is not always in the eye of the beholder

 Especially since us nerds all know how dangerous Beholders can be. 😉 Ugly business, that. Some nice things: We watched „Magnus“ this weekend and I was positively impressed! Trashy, in a good anarchic way. Give it a try, but it’s probably not for kids. 😉 Very funny, though.  Then. Also. We. Had. A. Few. Days.…

Von christiankohl 2021-02-16 Aus

Bullet in the Head …

 … ist natĂŒrlich nur ein Songtitel von Rage against the Machine (die mit Che Guarana als SĂ€nger), niemals etwas, was ich als Lösung fĂŒr sĂ€mtliche Politiker empfehlen wĂŒrde. Obwohl, vielleicht wĂ€ren so Hinrichtungen von korrupten Schweinen, ĂŒbertragen im Pay-TV, eine Chance, den Staatshaushalt zu sanieren? FĂŒr die Anfang reicht vielleicht auch mit einem Schild um…

Von christiankohl 2020-12-27 Aus